7 day film out write shoot edited show June 12-19 2021 Action, Comedy, Drama and Sci-Fi Sign up today click on link
Continue reading Historic Howell Theater will be showing the 7 day film out set for June 12-19 20217 day film out write shoot edited show June 12-19 2021 Action, Comedy, Drama and Sci-Fi Sign up today click on link
Continue reading Historic Howell Theater will be showing the 7 day film out set for June 12-19 2021G1NBC programming is viewed by thousands of potential customers every day? Your Local Hometown G1NBC viewers are your targeted audience. Local buyers hoping to find your products and services locally. G1NBC is Your Local Hometown community for Shows, News, Sports and Netex. Your customers are able to visit G1NBC advertiser’s websites and social networking sites …
Continue reading BROADCAST YOUR MESSAGE, BULID YOUR AUDIENCE! On-line with G1NBCMany organizations are turning to fundraisers with virtual fundraising and live streaming events as alternate strategies to traditional fundraising events. Having best practices in your back pocket to bring your fundraising online will definitely come in handy. Whether it’s part of a planned attempt to grow your online presence or in reaction to an unforeseen change …
Continue reading LIVE ON-LINE AUCTIONSBy you giving can help someone in need. We are looking for all type of items we can auction off for fundraisers for Non profits. Contact G1NBC today and let see what we can do together. 248 919.8882
Continue reading HELPING OUT A NON PROFIT ITEMS NEEDEDVirtual auctions can help nonprofits raise a lot of money online. Not only are they typically more cost-effective to plan than traditional live auctions, but they’re also more accessible to broader audiences who can sign up and bid remotely. These benefits can greatly increase the fundraising potential and ROI of your virtual auction. Contact G1NBC …
Continue reading Virtual Fundraising for Nonprofits AuctionsCLICK ON IMAGE TO VIEW PRODUCTS FOR SALE